#Create2020 Week 3
Seeing as it is cold, and grey outside, I thought I’d stay inside and experiment with some still life/lighting. I used light from a window, a reading lamp, and my iPad on a white screen turned up as bright as it can go.
#Create2020 Week 2
I’m sharing two pictures for this week’s Create2020 project entry. I’m sharing two because while they are very different they both draw me in.
With the first one I was out after a trace bit of snow and noticed the pattern on the ground and took a quick shot. It was one of those, I don’t really know if there is something here or not. I mean, it is just the ground. But I like it, and I don’t particularly know why.
This 2nd pic is obviously much more dramatic. It’s dramatic in part because I made it so with my image processing. I’m still coming to terms with my role in “making” a picture. There is part of me that wants “natural” pictures without my making it unnatural, but especially with digital photography me and my choices are a very active part of what makes for a picture. I’m not crazy about “hyper-real” pictures with all the colors and light so over -process that the pictures looks amazing and nothing like real life, I think the black and white and high contrast emphasizes strain and forces.
#Create2020 Week 1
When talking with my spiritual director about Create being my word for 2020 and my need to devote more energy to creating things I said - I really want to create things that cause me, and other, to stop and reflect. Things that draw people inward. So, I guess that’s a bit of a mission statement for my creative endeavors. So, I will strive to post one creation each Friday preferably created that week. (This picture, however, is from late Nov. but it is one of my faves from last year.)