Playground abstracts

As one with an attraction to abstract images modern playgrounds are a wonderful source. These are from a playground near our house.

It is both amusing and humbling when your favourite pics are ones where I just held the camera without looking at the camera viewfinder/screen. (no editing on these pics)

Picturing Winkler at night - Downtown

I got up at 4am this morning to explore some night time photography. Unfortunately, getting up at 4am is not much of a feat for me, as I often wake up around then. I’ve darn hardly any night photography and was curious how it might turn out.

Being out on the streets of Winkler at 4am on a Saturday is an introverts dream. I was out for more than an hour and saw maybe 5 cars and 1 person. I could plant my tripod anywhere I wanted to.

I thought I’d be converting most of these to black and white, but the colors are really intriguing.

Finally at 4 am people are paying attention to this sign.

The person at the right of the image is actually just a silhouette.

Access Credit Union drive thru

City Hall

Even at night the library offers a welcoming space.

Bethel Heritage Park

The nigh-time light is quite amazing to work with.