Contemplation: a Mennonite Perspective

I am Mennonite and I am contemplative. I co-direct The Hermitage, a contemplative retreat center with Mennonite ties. I know of many others who consider themselves both Mennonite and contemplative and I am sure there are many others I don’t know of.

What I am not sure of, however, is what the Mennonite contemplative conversation sounds like. I am not aware of much public discourse on what it looks like to be a contemplative Mennonite. I don’t exactly know how being Mennonite impacts being contemplative. But, surely it must.

Christian contemplative spirituality has many traditions. I’d be hard pressed to identify a Mennonite contemplative spirituality tradition. What are the practices of a contemplative Mennonite?

And so, I’d like to delve deeper and listen to this conversation. I’m less interested in proposing what contemplative Mennonite spirituality could look like, than I am in discovering what it already looks like. I’m also less interested in what historians have to say with so many words about early Anabaptist spirituality than I am in seeing how these themes are finding contemplative expression amongst Mennonites today.

Some of this little quest for understanding begins with myself, and with The Hermitage which has welcomed and formed many contemplative Mennonites. Some of this quest will likely involve hearing the reflections of others on their own contemplative Mennonite spirituality.

This has the potential to be a large quest, and I’m cautious about how far or fast I can go.  The way is made by walking, so I guess I should put on some shoes.

*FYI - the image at the top is an altered image of the current “Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective”

Zen Camera - Day 3

Today’s photographs are not suggested by the Zen Camera book, but seem to be in the spirit and intention of the book. I went out looking for pictures this afternoon and I made two changes to my typical practice: I switched the lens to manual focus, and I left my glasses at home. I have quite poor vision. Getting things in sharp focus is a bit of a challenge at the best of times so I generally hope autofocus will do a good enough job. So today, with my blurry eyes and no electronic focusing help I shot pics. I noticed I was shooting pics i very likely would not if I had my glasses on, and I don’t really know why I shot some of the pics I did. Naturally, many just turned out bad. Not intriguing bad, or quirky bad. Just bad. But I liked how others turned out. Out of focus pictures are curious. If they are just a little out of focus they look like a mistake, then there is a level of out-of-focus that seems attractive and mysterious, and then there is a level of out-of-focus that just seems like a senseless blur. I think these fall in that midrange.

This is  scene that often captures my eye. I think its because of the curving path. The blur and darker background make this pathway look a little more ominous

This is scene that often captures my eye. I think its because of the curving path. The blur and darker background make this pathway look a little more ominous

I took several looking up at the trees and sky pics. Definitely more than I would typically. Once again we have a curving “path” and darkness.

I took several looking up at the trees and sky pics. Definitely more than I would typically. Once again we have a curving “path” and darkness.

I couldn’t tell you why I thought to take this and yet there is something about it that keeps bringing me back.

I couldn’t tell you why I thought to take this and yet there is something about it that keeps bringing me back.

There is this small stand of about a dozen pine trees that were planted in a clearing on the property. I’ve used it for several pictures. I don’t think I had ever noticed this formation.

There is this small stand of about a dozen pine trees that were planted in a clearing on the property. I’ve used it for several pictures. I don’t think I had ever noticed this formation.

Zen Camera - Day 2

I did another little stint of “shooting from the hip (and head and knee).” Taking pictures without looking through the viewfinder. One of the goals is to go back and look at the pictures that were taken and see what in them might might captivate me, and might show me new approaches I could intentionally incorporate into my photography. With this batch I did give myself permission to do some cropping, but no other processing.

I’ve taken many pictures of this local. There is something about the angles of the hill, and presence of the path that captures me. This is close to one of my favorite framings of this scene. No cropping involved.

I’ve taken many pictures of this locale. There is something about the angles of the hill, and presence of the path that captures me. This is close to one of my favorite framings of this scene. No cropping involved.

Frosty picnic table. I just like this one. Little bit cropped.

Frosty picnic table. I just like this one. Little bit cropped.

It was a bright, frosty morning. I just stuck the camera amongst the grass and shot. I like the bokeh. Little bit cropped.

It was a bright, frosty morning. I just stuck the camera amongst the grass and shot. I like the bokeh. Little bit cropped.

I’ve noticed that most of the shots I take when not looking through the viewfinder are aimed lower than i would typically intend. Typically, I guess I like to include the horizon/skyline and some of the sky (even thought the sky can be quite a bothe…

I’ve noticed that most of the shots I take when not looking through the viewfinder are aimed lower than i would typically intend. Typically, I guess I like to include the horizon/skyline and some of the sky (even thought the sky can be quite a bother.) The original included a tiny slice of the horizon. I like it better with it cropped out.

I mostly don’t care for this image but I’m intrigued by the sweeping curves of the interior and exterior of the driveway. I think there is some potential to explore when I start looking through the viewfinder.

I mostly don’t care for this image but I’m intrigued by the sweeping curves of the interior and exterior of the driveway. I think there is some potential to explore when I start looking through the viewfinder.

Zen Camera - Day 1

I received from a nephew the book “Zen Camera” by David Ulrich. My hope is it will help me explore more deeply using the camera as a tool of deeper awareness. It is structured as a series of lessons, with practices for each lesson.

It begins with the suggestion that we take a couple hundred pictures (minimum) each week to which I responded - that seems ridiculous, and “I’m not shooting those in RAW.” I guess I already (unjustifiably) find myself being too precious and precise with my picture taking so I’m guessing the pressure to be more promiscuous with my picture taking is worthwhile.

The first lesson also instructs me to take pictures without looking through the viewfinder. Once again, I felt an initial resistance “Why should I shoot worthless pictures” as if the pictures I take looking through the viewfinder are worth much. I did some of that today - and will do more. And yes, some of the pictures are “worthless” but there are also pictures that capture my attention and are ones I would never think to intentionally make.

Here are some of today’s pics - shot in jpeg, with no edits.

Self-portrati #1

Self-portrati #1

Self-portrait #2

Self-portrait #2

Zen Camera

Zen Camera

Egg carton

Egg carton

Kitchen counter

Kitchen counter

House corner

House corner