Create - My word for 2020

It has become evident that Create is my word for 2020. I don’t recall doing a “word of the year” thing before but it seemed like a good idea now. Author, guide, and Abbess of the Abbey of the Arts Christine Valters Paintner often asks people for a word they are claiming for the next year. My initial ponderings revolved around hospitality and humility. These central Benedictine values are important to me, and I do want to grower deeper in each of these areas. But, as valuable as they are, I also know that part of why they came to mind is they are areas I feel I fall short and need to improve. For me humility and hospitality are also tinged with shame and inadequacy. Those feelings are good things to talk about with my spiritual director, but perhaps not helpful for me to claim as a focusing idea for the year.

When I left my government job to work at a retreat center I also left behind a good income. One of the wonderful gifts of a good paying job is the freedom to financially support causes and individuals you believe. I really liked this part. Supporting artists, journalists, other individuals and organizations was very meaningful to me. While changing jobs has brought many benefits, my income is less than a third of what it was. This greatly reduces my ability to give away money. I still offer a small monthly gift to one artist, but would love to support several more.

This brings me back to my word of the year. Create. While I can’t support artists with financial support I can support one burgeoning artist with my time and energy. Me. As a Mennonite who had been pondering “humility” as my word of the year, deciding to support myself, rather than others, is a bit of an ethical challenge.  It immediately feels self-indulgent. And when I have thought about “self-improvement” in the past it has almost always been in terms of developing my professional self – developing skills and capacities to be a better leader, etc. Developing my ability to create has very little directly to do with myself as a worker, and has more to do simply with my self. By supporting myself as an artist I’m giving myself permission to say no to that weeklong workshop on group facilitation, to say no to one more leadership possibility, to say no to giving money to another deserving artist, and to say yes to developing my creative skills, yes to take time to simply explore, yes to buying that new mic – when money allows.

Returning to guitar a few years back was an important soul-nurturing experience. In the past year photography and video making have become important creative, and soul-nurturing activities. I have given a lot of attention to myself as a worker over the last 20 years, which is appropriate, but my creative leisure-self has been neglected. I mean leisure in the sense of open, meandering, creative exploration. This is not to say I haven’t been playful or creative for 20 years, but that it has been incidental to my more important work.

One of the challenges I face with focusing on creating things involves sharing what I create. On the one hand I believe artist should share their work, or at least don’t withhold it because you don’t think anyone would like it. On the other hand, in the internet world of “likes” and analytics, people’s response or lack of response to creations show us on the screen as very real numbers and can drive creators absolutely neurotic. I already create videos where I think “I don’t know why anyone would want to watch this” as well as “Why isn’t anybody watching this?” I don’t create for affirmation – but …

So, my intention for this new year is to post one new creation on my website each week. I may share more things on my social media accounts but once a week I want share how I’m my living into the word, Create.

6 minutes in the brown winter woods


Looking to the barren winter woods for video inspiration is a challenge, but I just got a microphone for recording stereo and wanted to try it out. It is a Rode Stereo VideoMic Pro. I’m pretty pleased with my first test - especially given the relatively low volume of most of the shots. I also purchased the “dead kitten” wind baffle which seemed to do the trick

This is also the first video I’ve done with more than one camera shot. (Just trying to add some “excitement” to my very slow videos.)

Prayer - A Video

I look around my neighborhood and all I see is brown ground and barren trees and I’m left challenging coming up with video ideas that incorporate any movement or sound. So, here’s me providing the movement, and sound. I’m not convinced my guitar tracks are all that helpful, but they’ll do for now. A mic is on it’s way which should help with recording ambient audio.

Playing with God; or, Improv with the Holy Trinity

(This post is perhaps a Part 2, or a sister to my earlier post Exploring Video as a Contemplative Practice)

Spiritual disciplines or practices change over time. Since changing careers and locations a little more than a year ago I’ve been struggling to find the spiritual practices that are right for me now. My work/community life has its structure of morning prayer, communal meals, and space for prayerful silence, but my personal practices felt uncertain. Playing guitar was part of the answer. I had returned to playing a few years ago, and in the last year, especially as I’ve been able to do more improvisation it has increasingly been evident that this was a spiritual practice. I had also started taking more pictures, and later video. This picture taking and eventually creating videos increasingly resonated with me. It nurtured and stretched me and was revealing something to me that I still don’t really understand.

During this time I’ve also experienced a shift away from a wordy life. I used to listen to a lot of podcasts, and do quite a bit of reading. And now, I’ve whittled down my podcast listening to just a few, and am often not in the midst of reading a book. I do, however, listen to a lot more music. I’ve been intrigued to notice how my Spotify playlists are almost all music without lyrics, or with lyrics in languages I don’t understand. Sound and image are feeding me where words used to. And with these sounds and images I’m engaging much more at the level of emotion and things that I just don’t understand – and am not sure I need to understand. I’m working more intuitively, which is not ever how I would have described myself in the past.

And so I’m increasingly exploring video, and guitar, and at times bringing them together to create little soundtracks for my little videos. I was driving home the other day and the realization came to me, “I feel like I’m playing with God.” Playing, as in performing, or simply childlike playing. It feels like God is providing the elements and then I find patterns and variation and manipulate and embellish these elements. The visuals that strike my camera, and the sounds that come out of my guitar all feel like gift. And I can honor this gift by, playing with them, and bringing myself to them to shape and be shaped by them.


I will admit I seldom “understand” the things I create. I don’t always know why I shoot the video I do, or why a particular scene speaks to me. Sometimes I want to dismiss these things I’m creating as the self-indulgent jibber jabber of an amateur. I’m not entirely convinced they are not, but they also help be perceive the world and my place in it. As I told my spiritual director, I’m just trying to receive the truth that is being given to me that particular moment.

I feel kinda sheepish that the tools of my spiritual practices include a digital camera, audio interface, electric guitar(s), and audio and video editing software, but that’s what they are. Some people us pen and journal, or incense and yoga mats, and I use these things. All of these tools provide for me a window into the divine, and provide an invitation to play – to do a little divine improvisation with the Holy Trinity trio.